December 6, 2022
Morgantown, WV – The Women’s Giving Circle of North Central West Virginia (WGC), a component fund of Your Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia, Inc. (YCF), recently announced its eighth annual grant awards to support women and girls in North Central West Virginia.
Awards were presented to seven charitable organizations serving residents of North Central West Virginia: The Change Initiative (Phoenix Recovery House); Girls on the Run of North Central West Virginia, Inc.; Monongalia County Starting Points Family Service Center; Pantry Plus More, Inc.; Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH) Coalition of Taylor County; St. Ursula Food Pantry and Outreach; and Summit Chamber Music Series, Inc.
The WGC makes grants to nonprofit organizations in North Central West Virginia addressing one or more of the following need areas: 1) increasing life skills of women and girls through education, economic empowerment, physical and mental health, and strategies for prevention of violence and crime, 2) encouraging the healthy development of girls, and 3) promoting gender equity in our community.
This year’s grants total $19,000, and the awards range from $1,000 to $3,000. The WGC has granted over $125,000 since its inception in 2014.
“We are so honored to provide funding to nonprofit organizations to deliver outstanding work in our community,” said Bessie Fooks, chairwoman of the WGC. “Through our combined efforts we are able to assist with transforming the lives of women and girls in North Central West Virginia. We welcome new members to join us in the power of community philanthropy.”
The WGC encourages new membership throughout the year and extends a special invitation to the WGC Annual Membership Soiree, Thursday, April 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place. All women in the community are invited. For more information, visit the WGC website: