January 29, 2025
Morgantown, WV – Your Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia, Inc. (YCF) is pleased to announce its 2025 Board of Directors leadership team: Chair Jenny Weaver (Taylor County), Vice Chair Perri Jo DeChristopher (Monongalia County), Treasurer Nathan White (Monongalia County), Secretary Allen Staggers (Marion County) and Immediate Past Chair Joshua Rogers (Monongalia County).
“I am honored to serve as Chair of YCF’s Board of Directors,” said Weaver. “YCF fills a vital role in our region by providing donors with opportunities to support the charitable causes they care about. Together with my fellow board members and YCF staff, we are committed to continuing the Foundation’s important work of strengthening our community and fostering positive, lasting change.”
In addition to the executive officers listed above, returning YCF board members include Anthony Bellotte (Harrison County), Kimberly Dobrzynski (Preston County), Joi Gilliam-Norris (Harrison County), Martin Howe (Harrison County), Tina Shaw (Marion County), and Rachel Wood (Monongalia County).
Established in 2011, YCF’s mission is to promote philanthropy and build endowment funds to benefit our communities. YCF supports people, programs, and projects in North Central West Virginia through grants and scholarships made possible with charitable donations. The Foundation’s service area includes Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, and Taylor Counties. For more information please call (304) 296-3433 or visit YCF’s website at: http://www.ycfwv.org.