Organizational Arts Grants


The mission of the Organizational Arts Grant program (formerly the “Community Arts Grant program”) is to broaden base support for the arts, promote excellence in the arts and ensure that arts and cultural organizations provide a variety of arts programs for our community.

Collaboration and Funding Sources

The Organizational Arts Grant program is made possible through a collaborative effort between Your Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia, Inc. (YCF) and the Arts Council of Greater Morgantown (formerly Arts Mon), with funding from the City of Morgantown, the Monongalia County Commission, and the Douglas H. Tanner Memorial Fund for the Arts. Funds from other sources may also be granted through this process.

Eligibility and Requirements

To be considered for a grant from the Organizational Arts Grant Program, the organization must:

  1. Be a local non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and in good standing. At this time, applications are not being considered from schools, universities, libraries, churches, and hospitals.
  2. Be located within or serving Monongalia County, WV.
  3. Submit a formal organizational budget with application.
  4. Attach a board resolution documenting board approval of the grant request.
  5. Complete and successfully submit an online application to the Organizational Arts Grant program, accessible here.
  6. Agree to meet with the Organizational Arts Grant Committee regarding grant requests.
  7. Have an organizational mission statement that promotes/serves the arts, OR execute a project that promotes/serves the arts. Please note the following:

–  Organizations that do not have an arts-based mission may apply for project funding up to $5,000.
–  New organizations (established within the last three years) are limited to a $5,000 maximum award.
  Any requests for operational support must demonstrate a connection to program expenses. The budget narrative within the application must reflect this.
Request amount may not exceed 1/3 of the organization’s total revenue (based on prior year revenue and current year budgeted revenue).

Note:  Generally, grants are not made for annual campaigns; endowments; sectarian religious purposes; political purposes or lobbying activities; existing obligations, debts, or liabilities; or travel/participation in meetings, conferences, seminars, or study exchange programs. Travel/participation may be considered, however, if it contributes to meeting the above criteria.

The grantee/member organizations must demonstrate:

  1. Ability to address community need.
  2. Ability to increase community access to the arts.
  3. Effectiveness in raising their own funding through federal/state government grants, foundation grants, special events or earned revenues.

Grant Schedule

  • Application for 2024-25 funding closed on June 3, 2024. Next application opportunity anticipated in April 2025.
  • The Organizational Arts Grant Committee will review all applications and make award recommendations in July.
  • Arts Council and YCF request funds from the Monongalia County Commission and the City of Morgantown based on the grant requests received.
  • Final grant awards will be approved by the Board of Directors of Arts Council and YCF.
  • Grants awards are distributed in August with final reports due by June 30 of the following year.

Notification Procedures

All Applicants will be notified applicants as to the status of their request as soon as possible by letter. Completion of an application does not guarantee funding.

To Apply

Please access our online application portal here.
Note: We are using a new grant application software system as of January 2021.   First time applicants in this new system will need to click on “Create New Account” and enter organization data to access the application.  Your organization data will be saved in the system saving you time on future reports and applications.  If you are unsure about whether your organization has an existing account, please contact us first.


Questions about funding or projects should be submitted via email to:

Technical questions about the application process should be submitted via e-mail to: