YCF Educator Mini-Grants for 2024-25

The application period for YCF Educator Mini-Grants for the current school year (2024-25) has closed.  Congratulations to the recipientsPlease check back in late summer 2025 for information on the availability of funding for the 2025-26 school year. 

This mini-grant program provides funding to enhance the learning experience for students. Mini-grants of up to $750 will be awarded to educators who need financial assistance with special projects, materials, or classroom resources that are not covered by school/central office sources or other means. 


  • Open to any PK-12 educator in traditional public schools within YCF’s service area: Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, and Taylor Counties.
  • Educators include all teachers (regardless of subject area), counselors, librarians, and nurses. School administrators and board/central office staff are not eligible.
  • School principals will be asked to sign off on grant requests as part of the application process.
  • Each educator may submit one application.
  • There is no limit to the number of requests that may be submitted from an individual school.


  • Grants cannot be used for projects already completed or materials already purchased.
  • Grant requests that are part of a larger project without confirmed funding will not be considered.
  • Grants cannot be used for projects outside of the regular school day (e.g., after-school programs, sports, and band activities).
  • Funds may not be used for food items, transportation, speaker fees, or gift cards. If you need assistance with food/snacks, please contact us so we may help connect you to a food pantry. Email: info@ycfwv.org.


Funded applicants will be asked to submit a simple follow-up report on the expenditure of grant funds and results of the supported project. Due by May 31.

Application Review and Award Notification

Grant requests are reviewed by our Grants Committee. Recipients will notified in early November. Funds will be issued in mid-November through a check payable to the school. Recipients will need to follow their school system’s procedures for purchases. Unfunded applicants will be notified by the end of November.

How to Apply

The application for the 2024-25 school year has closed. Please check back in late summer 2025 regarding the availability of funding for the 2025-26 school year.

IMPORTANT:  If you do not already have an account in YCF’s grants management portal, please email Laurie Abildso at laurie@ycfwv.org and provide your name, school name, and county.  Please do not create a new account. Once you have been set up with an account, log into our grant portal linked here and select the YCF Educator Mini-Grant Program.

Please note there may be multiple grant programs accepting applications. Please read the descriptions to ensure you have selected the appropriate program.